SFT Valle Camonica: a training opportunity to relaunch local tourism
The SFT, the territory’s first Tourism Training School, was born in Valle Camonica.
The pioneering initiative promoted by Assocamuna in collaboration with LIMES Farm, Solar and Activa Servizi, with the patronage of the Mountain Community of Valle Camonica and the Province of Brescia.
The project intends to promote tourism development in the area through a financed training course aimed at companies, non-profit organisations, VAT holders, employees and business owners active in the world of tourism and culture.
The objective is to relaunch the artistic, historical and cultural heritage of the Camonica Valley by investing in the skills of all the professionals involved in the management of the tourist offer.
Thanks to the Continuing Training Announcement of the Lombardy Region, which provides each student with a 2,000 euro voucher, participation will be fully or partially fundable.
The training course will be divided into two modules.
The first involves the study and analysis of the territory, to understand its potential, strengths, risks and areas of intervention in which to specialise.
The second phase, on the other hand, will allow participants to choose from six different paths, each with a specific focus on sectors such as hospitality, design and marketing.
From the first edition 50 specialised figures will emerge, able to contribute to the growth of Valle Camonica in an innovative and sustainable way.
You can register for the SFT Valle Camonica by sending your application by 28 October 2023.
All information and details of the initiative are available atwww.sftvallecamonica.com.