Do you already know what to do in September?
On Sunday 8 September, Borno will relive the roaring years of the early 20th century during the event ‘Ai tép “ndré”, promoted by the Cultural Association “La Gazza” and the Pro Loco.
Piazza Giovanni Paolo II will be animated by the cosplayers of costume designer Anna Benedetti, an exhibition of historical vehicles, ancient crafts, and a farmers’ market.
At 11 a.m. there will be the presentation of the reprint of the book ‘Borno e l’altopiano suo’ (Borno and its altopiano) by the author Romolo Putelli, followed at 12.30 p.m. by a convivial lunch, based on the ancient recipe for ‘Salame di Borno’ (booking required at 339.5332517).
During the morning there will also be space for live music, with a repertoire on the theme of “Mille lire al mese” (One Thousand Lira a month).
For an even more involving experience, we look forward to seeing you wearing clothing and accessories in line with the event, to take a real plunge into the past.
From 20 to 22 September, the Festa della Transumanza (transhumance festival) is scheduled, a fixed appointment that marks the end of summer and the return of livestock to the valley at the end of the fine season. The event is a tribute to the age-old tradition of the descent of animals from the mountain pastures and alpine meadows and is an opportunity to celebrate the agro-pastoral soul of the territory. On Friday 20 September, the festival will begin with the ‘Farmer Night’: la trattorata (parade of tractors) through the village streets, followed by an evening of musical entertainment, good food and fun in the locality of Pattinaggio. Saturday 21 and Sunday 22 in the locality of Dassa and along via Vittorio Veneto the event will get into full swing, with a rich programme of initiatives that will soon be unveiled on the official Pro Loco Borno Turismo channels and on our social profiles.
Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

Piazza San Damiamo in Ossimo Inferiore will host on Saturday 7 September a charity party for the young people of ‘Oltrecasa’, a local association with civic, solidarity and socially useful aims aimed at people with disabilities and frailty and their families.
The evening will kick off at 5 p.m. with a DJ SET, followed by a spit-roast dinner (reservations at 333.7984981 / 339.3050575) and live music concert.
After last year’s success, ‘L’Oco! Orco Che Orto!’ brings the magic of theatre back to the Sorda Valley, with the show “SEMI”. The play is inspired by the true story of Nikolaj Ivanovič Vavilov, a Russian agronomist who gave his life to fight world hunger, attributing to food the meanings of justice, equality and future.
The performance will be staged at 4.30 p.m. and once it is over, it will be possible to stay for dinner and/or overnight stay in a mountain hut (booking required) or for free camping.
For information and/or reservations, write on whatsapp to 328.1371753 / 339.3064953
The Piamborno GSO in cooperation with Unione Esports organises the ‘Trisport Cup’, a unique team sports tournament at the Piamborno Oratory.
During two consecutive weekends in September, competing teams of up to 10 players aged 16 and over will compete in three different sports: football, basketball and volleyball.
For the occasion, a food stand will be open during both weekends.
Registration by 2 September at 346.0451808, for more information please follow the Instagram profile trisportcup

For fans of high-altitude trekking, the Lozio GEL Group is organising a trip to the ‘Don Giulio Corini’ bivouac on Sunday 15 September.
The route, starting from Villa di Lozio, will last about 6/7 hours, with a positive height difference of more than 1100 metres (recommended for experienced hikers).
For further information and to participate in the excursion, please contact the GEL Group at
On Sunday 15 September, the 13th edition of the Poker della Montagna closes with the final challenge in the heart of Angolo Terme. The special event will be an invitation-only competition based on the scores obtained in the first four rounds, with the meeting point at 5.30 p.m. in Piazza Clè in Terzano. To find out about all the appointments and stay constantly updated on the activities not to be missed in September on the Altopiano del Sole, visit the EVENTS CALENDAR section of our website.