The Altopiano del Sole, and the Valle Camonica in general, is a very green territory and one of the areas with the highest plant biodiversity. The municipalities of the Altopiano del Sole, together, have been promoting the culture of protecting and conserving the important biodiversity of the area for years.

The six municipalities would like to achieve the delicate balance that links Humankind and Nature and allows a peaceful and harmonious coexistence. Underlying this is the idea that coexistence should not result in the exploitation of natural resources, but in the construction of a system within which the actions of humankind and the natural environment are able to mutually benefit each other. Not a conflictual relationship therefore, but a profitable and fruitful outcome for both parties.

The Altopiano del Sole is undoubtedly an area of great value, but it is equally subject to weakness and criticality. Indeed, it has often been mistreated by the area’s construction and economic processes. The focus of public administrations nowadays is therefore to share ideas, observe and understand the surrounding environment, the landscape, nature and our communities. Listening is therefore fundamental for making quality transformations that do not hinder the delicate Humankind-Nature balance. It is the necessary condition for creating more aware and sustainable living and dwelling.