The ‘Flower Fair’ is organised every year by the Pro Loco of Piancogno between the end of April and the beginning of May: 4 days in which the town is transformed into a stage full of exhibitions, tastings, walks in the green, concerts, games for children and street artists.. All this and much more is the ‘Flower Fair’: a real festival for the inhabitants of the ValleCamonica, but one that involves the entire region of Lombardy.
The Piancogno Fair is one of the top events in the area, thanks also to the patronage of local institutions. Originating from a desire to enhance one of the best-known floricultural districts nationwide, every year it hosts professionals, collectors and producers of botanical rarities that would be almost impossible to find elsewhere.
The town centre is transformed into a real botanical garden. Here, experts, professionals, the curious, enthusiasts and families experience the colours and scents of spring to the full, thanks to a programme full of events and appointments.

Ph. Aimo Barattieri
The Flower Fair is not only a festival dedicated to all lovers of flowers, plants and gardening. It is a fixed appointment for all those working in the sector, from nursery growers to floriculturists, from manufacturers to retailers of equipment and products for garden and horticultural care. At the Flower Fair you can find bulbs of rare species, seeds, the latest equipment for gardens and parks, but also outdoor furniture and decorations and much more.
For years, the fair has attracted visitors from the provinces of Brescia, Bergamo, Cremona, Mantua, Verona and the entire North-East of Italy. In addition, there are also many tourists from abroad, especially from Croatia and Slovenia, totalling about 50,000 visitors.

Ph. Aimo Barattieri